The United States is committing wars of aggression which may turn into a third World War.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Saturday, April 29, 2006


February 8. 2007

The first urgent message is about legislation which would destroy Internet Neutrality. The U.S. Congress is about to destroy Internet Neutrality and with it the freedom of the Internet. The American Reich Gestapo Agency, which it calls the Department of Homeland Security, has just demanded the "key" to the Internet [at the end of March, 2007], alarming other countries of the world. Act now! Urge your representatives in Congress to vote against this bill. The link to the action page is: www.savetheinternet;

The second urgent message is that I am a true patriot and I still love America, but America has changed. I KNOW this: a radical right, treasonous. neo-nazi secret government network is in complete control of the U.S. Government. Its co-dictators are George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney. It is the product of the national Republican Party, which became increasingly cruel, militaristic and criminal from 1970 to the present. It is backed by the national Democratic Party, which became increasingly greedy, militaristic and wimpy from 1970 to the present. This neo-Nazi secret government network has turned the U.S. Government into an American Reich, a fake democracy. Three months before the 9/11 attacks even occurred, Bush ordered the National Security Agency to establish a Soviet Union-style electronic surveillance system which has enabled the Pentagon to collect private information, without a warrant, about American citizens, and store it on DVDs "for forty years."

The American Reich's miltaristic and and fascist economic power was solidified in 2002, when Bush-Cheney fused together the Department of Justice, the Secret Service, the CIA Operations Branch, the Pentagon, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Security Agency, and all the law enforcement agencies in the federal government into one juggernaut of dictatorship. The American people are, to date, just turning their heads, in "good Christian submission to authority," just as the German people did during the German Nazi dictatorship. "The world has never had to face such a global confusion." ( John Berger, in the Foreword to Arundhati Roy's "The Algebra of Infinite Justice," 2001 and 2002) [The Pentagon first named the U.S. genocidal attack on Baghdad "Infinite Justice," but the name was changed to "Enduring Freedom." This is the kind of Orwellian "double-speak" that a neo-Nazi government uses for genocide, lying, deceit, and oppressive laws.]

The American Reich's secret government network has unlimited wealth coming from the taxpayers treasury and an Outlaw Financial Market. The wealth is used to pay for wars of aggression. Bush can now instantly order a nuclear attack on any country in the world. The "Doctrine of Joint Nuclear Operations" governing the use of nuclear warheads, bombs and spent uranium was changed secretly in 2004, by the co-dictators, and made public in 2006. The updated "Doctrine" states that nuclear weapons of the U.S. can and will be used in "first-strike" attacks on any country that "acts against American interests." The secret government network is waging immoral, aggressive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. All these facts are verified in the reference sources in the Books and Links section of this essay.

I do not know this. But there is sufficient evidence in the reference sources in the Books and Links section of this essay to justify a Grand Jury indictment against Vice President Richard B. Cheney and President George W. Bush for the high war crime they have committed against citizens of their own country. Fear in the American people and the world was instilled by a second, mirror-like U.S. Government attack following the hijacking of four airliners by Saudi American terrorists belonging to the Al-Quaeda group. The U.S. Government attack on its own citizens was committed with extraordinary timing and military expertise by the neo-Nazi secret government network, which includes the signers of the Plan for a New American Century (PNAC) and the CIA "false-flag" terrorism Operations branch. The evidence also indicates that Vice President Richard B. Cheney coordinated the U.S. Government attack, on September 11, 2001.

The reference sources in the Books and Links section of this essay indicate that after the hijacking of four airliners by Saudi Arabian terrorists (which the U.S. government had full knowledge of in advance) the CIA and Pentagon commandeered all four airliners by computer remote control, pulverized the two 100 story Twin Towers in ten seconds, by remote control demolition, and 6 hours later destroyed the 47 story Building 7 in the same complex, a building which housed the CIA Office in New York City. A U.S. Cruise Missile was fired from a U.S. figher plane into the back wall of the Pentagon. The passengers of the third airliner were murdered when the plane landed in Cleveland, Ohio, and the passengers of the fourth airliner were murdered when a U.S. fighter plane totally destroyed the fourth airliner with a U.S. Cruise Missile. On the afternoon of September 11, 2001, Bush was flown at first to New Orleans, where he received a secret phone call on a secure line from Cheney. The phone call lasted for 30 minutes.

The 2nd mirror-like attack on Septermber 11, 2001 was a world television extravaganza, a false-flag terrorist attack by the U.S. neo-Nazi secret government network. Of whom does this secret government network consist? Webster Griffin Tarpley, the author of "9/11 Synthetic Terror Made in USA* (2nd edition, 2006) has investigated government "false-flag" terrorism for many years, in the USA, in other countries and even back to the British "false-flag" attacks in the 1800s. He wrote that the American secret government network is made up of radical-right militarists, the heads of gun, armaments and aircraft Corporations, the heads of financial and banking Corporations, and individual oligarchs [from the 100 wealthiest families in the United States]. The American Reich used this horrific event to make the American people feel as if they were under attack. The overall purpose was to justify a world war against the Islamic countries and then establish U.S. military and economic domination over the entire planet and the outer space of the solar system. The fictional fear of terrorists is a bogus fear.

The events of 9/11 were a unique way to put the American people in a daze and keep them in a daze for years, while secretly taking control of the entire country, from within. It is the American Reich dictatorship which has struck fear into the hearts of every American. The fascist Bush-Cheney dictatorship controls all the information that media are allowed to broadcast, the Republican and Democratic members of the Congress (with few exceptions) and the U.S. Supreme Court. The secret government network has new plans [formulated by a U.S. Democratic Senator, the new Chairman of the Finance Committee, in February 2007) for stealing the 40 billion dollars of social security that workers and employers paid in to the Social Security fund. The extreme right is doing eveything in its power to overturn the constitutional legality of a woman's right to abortion. Both Christianity and neo-Nazi oppression fanatically impose abstolute aryan male white supremacy and prevent women from having control over their own bodies.

Each and every day, the neo-Nazi secret government network tightens its control over the American people. We are today in the same position as the German citizens whose democratic government was taken over by the Nazi dictatorship in 1933. The American Reich Gestapo Agencies, which are now the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and all the other federal law enforcement agencies, are secretly moving Muslim and Middle Eastern prisoners in the American prison system into one concentration camp [March 6, 2007] to use them as scapegoats for American problems, the same way Adolf Hitler used 6 million Jewish people as scapegoats for the German problems.

The third urgent message is about something I do not know, but about which I have ultimate concern. The religions of the world have an utter, and sometimes hateful, disregard of science and the experimental method of discovering new essential knowledge and continually evolving truths. The western religions have all pursued war and theocratic dictatorship - and they still continue to do so. They view reality as a far off, supernatural world, from which a male, warlord, human-like God rules the earth, by issuing divine commandments, and who gives the members of the western religions preferential treatment (each western religion claims that it is the one that is getting preferential treatment). People all over the world are becoming increasingly aware that reality is the natural world, a physical and biological universe. The Hindu religion still views natural consciousness as a connection with a supernational "divine spirit" or "divine knowledge;" and the Buddist religion still views the natural world as an illusion.

In my personal opinion, reality consists of the natural world, and there is no such thing as a "supernatural world." There is no Father God, Judaic God, benevolent dictator Allah, Christ, Son of God, Holy Ghost, or Satan, and there are no make-believe "beings" or "spirits." When religions use the term "spirit" and "spirituality," they are attempting to perpetuate the belief in a "supernatural world." The common use of the term"spirituality" refers to the emotional values and ethical principles which we produce in the unconscious, limbic part of our brain and test experimentally in our relationships with others. All the natural entities have an electro-magnetic, conscious and unconscious communications system. The myths of the western religions all proclaim that their ancient religious literature is absolute, unchanging, and infallible. They use this utter falsehood as a means of brain-washing and controlling human society, via their enormously wealthy, hateful authoritarian organizations. As a result of this utter falsehood,

Christianity, Judaism and Islam all slammed the door shut on the continual human search for new ethical and behavioral truths, new experimental scientific discoveries, and continual updating of knowledge, ethics and customs. "The world today is confronted with more confusion than at any other time in history" (John Berger's Foreword In Arundhati Roy's "The Algebra of Infinite Justice," 2001 and 2002). That confusion is partly due to the abysmal public ignorance about science and the absurd claims of religions. The human, plant and animal species are all endangered by the imminent threat of nuclear war, the sudden acceleration of global warming, and the highest rate extinction of animal and plant species since 65 million years ago, when the dinosaurs became extinct. The utter contempt and refusal by Christianity, Judaism and Islam to respect science as an equal and interdependent partner in the human search for essential truth has caused a 2,500 year deterioration of ethical thinking in the western world.

Truth continually changes because knowledge is continually transformed (Alfred North Whitehead, "Religion in the Making" 1926, 1960). Previous truths are literally transformed by new experiments and new biological, behavioral and sociological studies. What is now known about human relationship is more objective and complex than what was known 2,000 years ago. So long as science adheres to the experimental method, it will consider new theories and principles and encourage students to question the current concepts in physics, biology, chemistry and technology. If the western religions ever open the door again to the continual human search for new, essential truths, and continue updating their concepts in sinc with scientific knowledge, they will encourage their adherents to always question authority and develop new concepts instead of parroting passages from their ancient religious literature. This would lead to the repudiation of the fundamentalist ideology, which endorses ritural killing, continul war, genocide and empire, and highly cooperative military theft of the natural resources belonging to smaller and poorer countries. As Henryk Skolimowski wrote in "A Sacred Place to Dwell," (1993), "God is evolution. Evolution is God."

Western religions have instilled in western culture the fear of human sexuality, nudity, sexual pleasure, the different biological sexual orienations, abortion, birth control, and condoms. Fundamentalist Christianity and neo-Nazi oppression both impose absolute aryan white male supremacy in evey country they control. They still prevent sexuality being taught in American schools. They ban books on sexuality from pulbic libraries. They claim to be the arbiters of which persons can marry and which persons can receive equal rights to the government benefits for married couples. The Republican Party in the United States has hatefully used this claim to divide the electorate and futher the American Reich.

The religious extreme right authoritarians are now engaged in the worst anti-science inquisition since the Spanish Inquisition. THey are extremely violent, ruthless people who hide behind a cloak of "Christian love" and the cloak of the American flag. Christian and pro-Israeli zealots rally behind Bush-Cheney's religious war against the Islamic people and are responsible for the continued imprisonment of an innocent Palestinian-America, Dr. Al-Arian, who was acquitted of the charge of being a "Palestinian terrorist" by a jury of his peers, in Tampa, Florida, but imprisoned on trumped up charges by the Bush-Cheney neo-Nazi dictatorship.

The natural world and universe operates in and of itself. The new cosmological theory of the way the universe works, called "The Endless, Cyclic Universe," which corrects some of the errors in the "Big Bang" theory, describes a whole, physical and biological universe that is everlasting (cyclical). This scientific theory of an everlasting universe has a natural similarity to the ancient Christian concept of an everlating God and the Vedic Hindu concept of a world without any beginning or ending. Scientists who have studied the universe have found that all the entities (things which actually exist ) have only a temproray lifetime. When they end, their atoms and quanta are recycled and later emerge again as new, unique entities. This scientific concept of continal emergence, ending, recycling and re-emerging has a natural similarity to the ancient religious concepts of resurrection and reincarnation.

About Me

I am a writer and have published four previous books: Fact and Belief in the 21st Century (1998); The Evolutionary God (2002); Sex and Science - Understanding Our World and Our Behavior (2004) Fundamentalist Ideology May Cause Nuclear War (2006) forthcoming: What God Really Isn't; The Transformation of Christianity (2008)